in collaboration with
organized by
27-31 May 2019 - Rome
Master Classes 27-28 May 2019
Field Trip 29 May 2019
Main Course 30-31 May 2019
27th May
Hans-Jürgen Nitzpon
Hans-Jürgen Nitzpon earned a degree in communications engineering from Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB), Germany and a Ph.D in physics from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. Working for more than 25 years as an R&D manager for different organizations, Hans-Jürgen has acquired profound experiences in developing precision measurement equipment for ultrasound, acoustics and vibrational monitoring applications. He is the co-founder of SEMEX-EngCon developing and manufacturing vibration and seismic monitoring equipment. Being in close contact to numerous civil engineering customers Hans-Jürgen has gained considerable practical experience in installation, monitoring and analyzing vibrational data in construction and structural dynamics applications. He is also managing a funded research project with the University of Karlsruhe (KIT) for modal damage analysis of bridges.
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